Employee Engagement.

We worked with banking industries to develop an employee engagement program to convey their appreciation of work, making employee presence felt and understood, and making the family pledge to engage with the program.


Creating a truly effective and user friendly employee engagement program.


– Increased knowledge about Employee Health and Safety in workplaces.

– Happier Employees.

– Family engagement making sure the best home Home Life.

– Decrease downtime.
– Increase employee retention.

Our Solution

A scalable and secured Intranet application was developed using Microsoft technology (ASP.NET MVC) Restful APIs were developed to exchange data securely and fast. LDAP authentication was implemented for easy employee login. The user role based permission. Employee Engagement (Banking & Finance) Case Study

Project: RBL Bank

Funtoosh: Home

Winner Notification

Wellness program

Club House

KYC Form


Other Services


Pull data from disparate sources into one central location.

Business Information
& Data Validation

Highly curated IT services to meet your unique business goals.

Offshore Development Centre

Improve operational productivity at reduced costs with our ODC